Malindo Send Aid Flood Victims

The flood in the Subang District has inundated tens of thousand of houses and displaced hundreds of residents. Malindo cared about the situation and contributed by providing basic necessities to ease the suffering of flood victims in the Subang district.

The Massive Mount Kelud Eruption

The massive Mount Kelud eruption has forced hundreds of thousand to be relocated from their residences and caused severe impact to its surrounding areas due to thick volcanic ash. As a caring company, Malindo provided assistance in the form of basic necessities to help the victims coped with the harsh conditions and relieved their burden.

Lebaran Packages

Malindo gave out Lebaran packages to the less fortunate communities who live in the vicinity of the Company’s farm in Probolinggo District, East Java.

Carnival In Subang

Malindo participate in carnival activities with the theme of Animal Husbandry and Health Care as well as celebrate the 66th the anniversary of Subang district.

Malindo Participated In Easing The Suffering Of The Victims Of Landside In Karangkobar

The sudden landslide that occurred in the Karangkobar Subdistrict, Banjarnegara District, Central Java has killed tens of people and buried around 100 houses. As a result, many people were forced to relocate. Malindo participated in easing the suffering of the victims of landslide in Karangkobar District by providing assistance in the form of basic necessities.