After the inaugural launch of the solar power plant (solar...
╋The Minister of Agriculture, Arief Prasetyo Adi, released exports of processed Indonesian poultry products to Singapore. These various products come from PT. Malindo Food Delight with the SunnyGold brand and Ciki Wiki with karage and nuget variants. After releasing 3 containers or around 18 tons with a value of USD 90,000 of processed products, Minister of Agriculture Arief said that Indonesia has the potential to become a world food producer, one of which is by encouraging business actors to actively seek international market opportunities.
First export of processed products from PT. Malindo Food Delight will go to Singapore in July 2023 for 1 container, orders will be made again in October 2023. “This indicates that products produced domestically are getting a very good response in the Singapore market,” said Rewin Hanrahan as Director of PT. Mlindo Feedmill Tbk.
In the event to release exports of Malindo processed products to Singapore, Minister of Agriculture, Arief Prasetyo Adi, also tasted the products to be exported and checked the containers to ensure that the products were in good condition.
“If our products have entered Singapore, have entered Japan, exporting to other countries is very easy. “We continue to encourage the Indonesian food ecosystem, this is how to manage Indonesian agriculture, encourage domestic production,” said Arief Prasetyo in his speech at the export release event to Singapore.
Rewin targets that in November, it will export 2 containers of frozen chicken and 2 containers of processed products to Singapore. He also hopes that the export of 1 container of processed products to the United Arab Emirates and also to Japan can be carried out soon.
“We would like to thank the Indonesian Government, especially the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, which has encouraged and provided support and direction, starting from the audit process by the Singapore Government to the realization of this export,” said Rewin Hanrahan.
After the inaugural launch of the solar power plant (solar...
╋PT Malindo Food Delight inaugurated the installation of solar panels...
╋One of the CSR activities carried out by PT Malindo...
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