Malindo Sends Eggs to Improve Children’s Health and Nutrition at the Ulumul Qur’an Islamic Boarding School
Author: CSR - Malindo
Malindo Distributes Eggs for Al Haniifiyyah Orphanage and Islamic Boarding School
PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk distributed egg aid to the Al Haniifiyyah Orphanage and Islamic Boarding School, Jatiluhur Village, Jatiasih District, Bekasi City, West Java.
Lion Dance Attractions at Malindo Head Office
The lion dance is a Chinese cultural dance using a sarong that resembles a lion. The lion symbolizes strength, wisdom, and excellence. Lions are also believed to be good animals.
Malindo Holds CSR Eggs in Soreang District, Bandung Regency
As a form of Malindo’s concern for the surrounding community, Thursday, January 5, 2023, PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk distributed 26,000 eggs to people at risk of stunting and underprivileged in Soreang District, Bandung Regency, West Java.
Assistance for Mount Semeru Eruption Victims
PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk provided egg assistance for victims of the Mount Semeru eruption in East Java. The egg assistance of 36,500 eggs was handed over by Malindo representatives in East Java to the eruption victims through the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Lumajang Regency and the people of Sumbermujur Village, Candipuro District, Lumajang Regency.
Egg Aid for Al Kautsar Islamic Boarding School Cirebon
On December 26, 2022, Malindo sent egg aid to school children and Islamic boarding schools in the Al Kautsar Islamic Boarding School in Cirebon. 20,000 eggs were donated to support government programs to prevent stunting in children while improving community nutrition.
End of Year Bazaar Party 2022
In welcoming the New Year 2023, PT Malindo Food Delight held a bazaar activity which was held on December 22-23, 2023. The activity was carried out at the factory yard of PT Malindo Food Delight in Cikarang, West Java.
Bestie Challenge with Nugget Pop
Bestie Challenge with Nugget Pop is a cooking competition held by SunnyGold with the theme “Cooking With Loved Ones with Nugget Pop”. Eight locations have been visited by SunnyGold, starting from Hypermart Puri Indah West Jakarta, Griya Kepatihan Bandung, Hypermart Karawaci, Hypermart Cibubur, Hypermart Pejaten, Lotte Mart Kelapa Gading, Villa Melati Mas and finally at Griya Antapani Bandung.