Heavy rain has flushed the North Luwu region since Saturday afternoon (07/18/2020). As a result the water rises and causes flooding in the North Luwu region, South Sulawesi.
Category: Media Center CSR
Malindo Donates 2,850,000 Eggs to Schools and Stunting Areas
To show the company’s concern for improving the nutrition of school children and reducing the number of stunting in the community, PT Malindo Feedmil Tbk provides eggs to elementary school children, madrasahs, Islamic boarding schools and stunting areas in various regions in Indonesia. “We have carried out this activity from January 2020 to April 2020 and have distributed 2,850,000 eggs in regions such as North Sumatra, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta , East Java, South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, “said Rewin Hanrahan, Director of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk in Jakarta.
Malindo Cares Covid-19
The Corona Covid-19 epidemic is currently contagious in various regions of the world including Indonesia. People help each other to help the health team or the community affected by the virus. PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk shows its concern by providing animal protein food to the health team and the community affected by Covid -19 from March 2020.
Malindo Distributed CSR Assisstance to Flood Victims at Southeast Sulawesi and South Sulawesi
High rainfall intensity make some areas in Indonesia was hitting by flood. As happened in the South Sulawesi. The new year 2019 was marked by widespread flood in this province. Collaborated with The Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia, Malindo was sent an assistance to people who need a clean water and food, like a mineral water, instant noodle, milk and eggs.
Banten and Lampung Tsunami Sorrow
Tsunami was hit a half of the coast in Pandeglang Banten and South Lampung, December 22, 2018, has ruined a lot of buildings and hundreds of lives have been lost. The peoples around the disaster area was covered by sorrow. The happy atmosphere while enjoying the end year vacation was suddenly changed to sorrow and tears
Malindo Distributed Two Millions of Eggs for Orphanage, School, and Boarding School
In order to increased animal protein consumption, PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk has been distributed more than two millions of eggs to orphanage, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, boarding school, and nursing home which in various district in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi according to Rewin Hanrahan as a Director of PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk after eggs distribution at Bandung District, April 8th 2017.
Break Fasting Malindo with Orphanage
As a proof to our concern to the orphans, PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk held a break fasting event with the orphans every year. This year, Malindo was held a break fasting at Darurrohmah orphanage, Godong, Grobogan, Central of Java. The event was held at May 30th 2018, and was attended by Agus Toni as an Operational General Manager, Rochadi as a Nutritionist General Manager, Mahatmaji as a Senior Marketing Manager, Yetti Liza as a Public Relation Manager, orphanage management, and the orphans.
Malindo Help Palu and Donggala Earthquake Victims
Deepest sorrow was felt by our brothers in Lombok and Palu. The Earthquake was hit Lombok in August 2018 has been destroyed one of the most valuable tourism destination in Indonesia. A lot of people in Lombok lost their home, school building destroyed, and vital objects such as electricity, water supply, and communication was interrupted.