Malindo Cibatu Hatchery Now Uses Solar Panels

After the inaugural launch of the solar power plant (solar panels) at the PT Malindo Food Delight Cikarang factory in December 2024, Malindo is now continuing to the next project, namely the installation of solar panels at the Cibatu Hatchery, Purwakarta, West Java using products from PT Lembaga Tenaga Indonesia (Solarvest). The inauguration of the operation of the solar panels was carried out on January 24, 2025 by Ghamal Firmansyah, GM Hatchery and Denny Gultom, representative of Solarvest.
The installed solar panels have a capacity of 532.35 kWp which is projected to produce around 757,000 kWh of electricity per year. The installation of these solar panels (PV) can reduce carbon emissions by up to 511 tons of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to planting 23,218 trees.
The installation of the second phase of solar panels at the Malindo Cibatu hatchery is one of Malindo’s commitments to sustainability by using environmentally friendly solar power plants

PT Malindo Food Delight Installs Solar Panels at Cikarang Factory

PT Malindo Food Delight inaugurated the installation of solar panels (PV) at its factory located in Cikarang, West Java on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
The installed solar panels have a capacity of 914.13 kWp which is projected to produce around 1,184,484 kWh of electricity per year. Malindo is committed to reducing CO2 carbon emissions by using environmentally friendly solar power plants.
“Malindo continues to strive to maintain a clean and sustainable environment, where the use of this solar power plant we can reduce CO2 carbon emissions and save thousands of trees per year,” said Lau Joo Kiang as Director of PT Malindo Food Delight.
The installation of these solar panels (PV) can reduce emissions by up to 799 tons of CO2 and save 36,315 trees each year. This is also a step in Malindo’s contribution to supporting clean energy in Indonesia.

Bestie Challenge With Sunny Gold Season 3

SunnyGold held the Bestie Challenge Season 3 event which was held in three different locations, starting from Hero Lebak Bulus on September 28, 2024, Lotte Mart Bintaro on November 30, 2024 and the last one at Naga Swalayan Wibawa Mukti on December 20, 2024.
Different from the previous Bestie Challenge which used SunnyGold Nugget Pop as the main ingredient, this time SunnyGold’s Bestie Challenge brought a newly launched mainstay menu, namely Cocktail Sausage.
Before the cooking competition began, SunnyGold also held a cooking demo with Chef Khomay. The menu served by Chef Khomay was Pecel & Samyang Wrap, Mie Gomak Thai Sauce, and Omelet, where the menu used SunnyGold Cocktail Sausage as the main ingredient.
The cooking competition began, participants were given vouchers worth 150,000 rupiah to spend on SunnyGold Cocktail Sausage and other ingredients to be processed into delicious creative dishes with the main ingredient of SunnyGold Cocktail Sausage within 45 minutes.

Malindo Feedmill Receives 100 Best Companies in Indonesia Award

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk won the Indonesia’s Biggest Companies award for the Consumer Non-Cyclicals category at the Fortune Indonesia 100 event which took place on Friday, September 6, 2024 at the Mulia Senayan Hotel, Jakarta.
Rudy Hartono Husin and Andre Andreas Hendjan as Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk were present on this occasion representing Malindo management.
Fortune Indonesia 100 is an annual event held to provide appreciation to the 100 best companies in Indonesia. This award is given to the best companies assessed based on financial performance, business sustainability and growing business innovation

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk Present at the Indo Livestock Expo & Forum 2024

Indo Livestock, Indo Feed, Indo Dairy, Indo Agrotech, Indo Vet and Indo Fisheries 2024 Expo & Forum has been held at the Jakarta Convention Center Senayan, Jakarta. This international exhibition of the agriculture, livestock, livestock processing, fisheries and animal health industries will last for 3 (three) days on July 17-19, 2024.
PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk also participated in the Indo Livestock Expo and Forum which is a prestigious event for livestock, fisheries and animal product industry players in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
On this occasion, Dr. Ir. Nasrullah, M.Sc as the Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (PKH) together with the management of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk cut the ribbon as a symbol of the opening of the Malindo booth at the Indo Livestock Forum & Expo 2024 event, namely occupying Hall A No. 01.

Malindo Continued Exports of Frozen Chicken and Processed Products to Singapore

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk, Thursday 20 June 2024 carried out further exports of frozen whole chicken or frozen chicken and exports of processed products from PT Malindo Food Delight to Singapore. Delivery of frozen chicken is carried out at the PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk Poultry Slaughterhouse (RPHU) in Cijunti Village, Campaka District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, while delivery of food products is carried out from the PT Malindo Food Delight factory in Cikarang, West Java.
The export of frozen chicken to Singapore is the second time, while the export of processed products is the fifth time. Malindo Group’s exports today total 2 containers with a value of around USD 65,000.
Rewin Hanrahan, Director of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk on this occasion said that Malindo appreciates the performance of the team which continues to be committed to realizing various exports, including to Singapore. “We all know that this is not easy in the midst of such tight competition with many exporters of similar goods from various countries. Likewise, the requirements requested by the Singapore Government, in this case the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), are very strict. The product being exported must come from a farm that already has a compartment certificate that is free from Avian Influenza and has not been detected to contain any viruses or bacteria, such as Salmonella,” said Rewin.
“We would also like to thank the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Tanjung Priok Agricultural Quarantine Center, Agricultural Quarantine Agency for the support and assistance provided in preparation for export implementation. Hopefully in the future we will carry out more exports to other countries,” said Rewin.

Malindo Held a Annual General Meeting Of Shareholders (AGMS) and Exposes The Public

PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) in Jakarta on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. After the AGMS, it continued with a public expose which was attended by online media.
In the public expose, Rudy Hartono Husin as Director of Malindo stated that overall product sales had increased significantly so that the Company’s gross profit in the first quarter of 2024 increased by IDR 323.1 billion or increased 517.4% from IDR 62.4 billion to IDR 385.5 billion. This increase in gross profit contributed to an increase in the Company’s net profit (loss) from negative IDR 143.9 billion in the first quarter of 2023 to positive IDR 143.5 billion at the end of March 2024 or an increase of IDR 287.4 billion or 199.8%.
Meanwhile, Rewin Hanrahan, Director of Malindo, conveyed several obstacles faced, such as fluctuations in the selling price of day-old chicks (DOC) and broilers to the availability and price of feed raw materials. Facing these challenges, Rewin Hanrahan explained that currently Malindo has a Poultry Slaughterhouse (RPHU) and Food Processing, so that fluctuations in broiler prices can be anticipated by processing them for export to several countries such as Japan and Singapore.
“For feed ingredients, especially corn, Malindo has also collaborated with farmers to absorb local corn, where Malindo also has corn dryers and silos in several regions in Indonesia,” said Rewin Hanrahan.
In maximizing performance in 2024, Malindo will focus on its core business and increase production efficiency by making savings and purchasing management in each production and operational line.

Get to Know Chicken That is Healthy and Safe To Consume

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk held a seminar on the nutrition of broiler chickens and their processed products as well as negative issues in society. The seminar took place on May 31 2024 at the Graha Karawang International Industrial City (KIIC) Building by presenting guest speaker Prof. Dr. Ir. Winiati Pudji Rahayu, MS., Professor of Food Science and Technology at IPB. This seminar was also attended by Rewin Hanrahan as Director of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk and company representatives at KIIC.
In her presentation, Prof. Winiati explained the importance of knowing the nutrition of the food we eat every day, one of which is broiler chicken meat. “Broiler chicken meat is one of the sources of animal protein that is most widely consumed by the public, this is because chicken meat has high nutritional content, is easy to obtain and process into various types of food, and the price is also affordable,” said Prof Winiati.
Her further explained the characteristics of chicken meat, namely that it contains energy, protein, fat, iron and various other nutrients that are beneficial for the body. However, unfortunately there is an incorrect issue spreading in society that consuming broiler chickens is unhealthy because they contain hormones.
Prof. Winiarti emphasized that the use of hormones is not possible because there are regulations in Law no. 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health which explicitly prohibits the use of hormones for consumption animals. Apart from that, there is no need to use hormones because the rapid growth of broiler chickens is influenced by genetics, selective breeding, good maintenance and the provision of high quality feed.
The issue of poultry meat food safety is also a concern for Prof. Winiati in educating seminar participants, such as contamination by pathogenic microbes, antibiotic residues, heavy metal residues and misuse of dangerous chemicals such as the administration of formalin or borax preservatives by irresponsible individuals.
Therefore, get to know the characteristics of chicken meat that is suitable for consumption. Generally, fresh chicken meat is pale white in color, the breast and thigh muscles are springy, whereas if you smell formalin chicken meat it will smell like medicine, the color is paler than fresh chicken meat, and the texture feels very firm. Apart from chicken meat containing formalin, Tiren chicken was also found. The characteristics of tiren chicken are that the meat has a slightly fishy aroma, is bluish in color and does not look fresh.
After presenting the seminar material, the next agenda was an introduction to PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk’s business lines such as processed food products namely Sunny Gold and Sunny Chick, Poultry Slaughterhouse (RPHU), Pet Food and continued with tasting processed products from Sunny Gold.