Malindo Present at Jakarta Fair 2024

Jakarta Fair Kemayoran will be held again on Tuesday, 12 June to 14 July 2024 at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran. This year’s Jakarta Fair Kemayoran was attended by 2,550 companies and 1,550 stands exhibiting their superior products. This event was opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to celebrate the 497th anniversary of the City of Jakarta.
Various booths ranging from food, drinks, clothing to automotive are complete at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2024.
Sunny Gold and Sunny Chick, which are business lines belonging to PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk, were also present at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2024 which lasted for 33 days. Sunny Chick provides an opportunity for visitors to shop with a minimum purchase of all menu variants of IDR. 40,000 then visitors can take part in the Sunny Chick Festival lottery with the main prize being a motorbike.
Not only that, Sunny Gold also offers purchases at special prices for the Jakarta Fair Get On package, starting from Rp. 50,000 visitors can get 3 products, namely Sobat Bakar 500gr, Ciki Wiki Crispy Bubble 225gr and Sohib 75gr.
Come on, what are you waiting for, let’s visit booth 38 of Sunny Gold and Sunny Chick at the Jakarta Fair 2024 at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran!

The Fun Of The Barongsai Attraction at Malindo Head Office

On February 22 2024 PT. Malindo Feedmill, Tbk is again holding a lion dance attraction to celebrate Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh 2024.
This lion dance performance was performed by the Kong Ha Hong group, where this group is a professional lion dance player who has won many championships, and has even become world champion in Guang Zhao and Beijing, China. The lion dance attraction this year is a little different, because it can not only be witnessed directly at the Head Office of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk, but can also be watched by Malindo employees wherever they are via live broadcast on the official Instagram account @malindofeedmiilltbk.

Malindo Returns to Exporting Processed Products to Japan

Thursday, January 18 2024 PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk has once again realized exports to Japan, namely Japan, through its subsidiary, namely PT Malindo Food Delight.
In less than a month after the release of frozen chicken exports and continued exports of processed products to Singapore, this time PT Malindo Food Delight exported processed products in the form of nuget and karage to Japan. This proves that Malindo products are liked both domestically and internationally.

Exciting Gift Exchange and Cosplay Competition at Malindo Head Office

The end of year event is something that employees look forward to as they close out the year. For 2023, apart from the gift exchange event, a Cosplay competition with the theme Profession will also be held.
This event was held on December 28 2023 at the Malindo Head Office parking lot, attended by more than 200 employees and leaders, while the cosplay competition was attended by representatives from each floor.
The event began with joint creative exercises, then continued with a cosplay competition, the distribution of prizes for cosplay winners and closed with an exchange of gifts between employees.

Malindo Feedmill Realizes Frozen Chicken Exports to Singapore

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk realized the export of frozen whole chicken to Singapore. The first delivery of frozen chicken was carried out at the PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk Poultry Slaughterhouse (RPHU) in Cijunti Village, Campaka District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, Friday 8 December 2023. Simultaneously with the export of frozen chicken, further exports of processed Malindo Food Delight products were also carried out to Singapore. .
Present on this occasion were the Directors of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk, Rewin Hanrahan, Hilda Wibowo and Aldrin Rungkat as well as the local Livestock Service and Tanjung Priok Agricultural Quarantine.
Rewin Hanrahan said on this occasion that at the end of 2023, Malindo had succeeded in exporting frozen chicken to Singapore. “We all know that this is not easy. The requirements requested by the Singapore Government, in this case the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), are very strict. “The product being exported must come from a farm that already has a compartment certificate that is free from Avian Influenza and has not been detected to contain any viruses or bacteria, such as Salmonella,” said Rewin.

PT. Malindo Feedmill, Tbk. Hold Annual General Meeting Of Shareholders 2023

PT. Malindo Feedmill, Tbk. held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) in Jakarta, Tuesday, 27 June 2023 which was conducted in a hybrid manner. After the AGMS, it was followed by a public expose followed by the media.
It was stated that the Company’s net sales in the first quarter of 2023 decreased by IDR 74.76 billion or decreased by 2.7%. Sales of animal feed increased by 3.9% or Rp. 67.23 billion, followed by an increase in sales of broiler which increased by Rp. 12.45 billion or an increase of 2.8%, sales of processed food increased by 2.4% or Rp. 685 million, sales segment others increased by 8.0% or IDR 6.93 billion, but a drastic decrease was shown by the DOC sales segment which fell by IDR 162.06 billion or decreased by 33.9% when compared to sales in the same period last year.
Currently PT. Malindo Feedmill, Tbk. actively exploring overseas buyers. After the Government of Singapore, in this case the Singapore Food Agency, has approved Malindo’s frozen chicken products and processed products for export to Singapore, it is planned that in the near future Malindo will realize its exports to Singapore as well as several other countries. Mainstay products that will be exported include frozen chicken and processed products such as nuggets and karage.

SFA Approves Malindo’s Frozen Chicken and Processed Products for Export to Singapore

The Singapore government through the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has approved frozen chicken produced by RPHU PT Malindo Feedmill and processed products produced by PT Malindo Food Delight to be exported to Singapore. SFA’s official letter was sent to the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health on 22 May 2023 and Malindo received an official notification from the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health on 23 May 2023.
The application for export to Singapore for Malindo’s RPHU and Processing Plant has started since mid-2022 and was only being audited by SFA on 21 November 2022.
With the issuance of the SFA approval, Malindo can export to Singapore by fulfilling the condition that the chicken used comes from a farm that already has an Avian Influenza Free Compartment certificate starting from Final Stock, Parent Stock to Grand Parent Stock. Exported products have gone through a PCR laboratory test free of Salmonella sp, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella thypimurium.
Currently, preparations for export are being carried out by RPHU, namely by slaughtering chickens according to the Singapore buyer’s criteria. Likewise, MFD has started production of various SunnyGold products requested by the Singaporean buyer. We hope that the first export to Singapore can be carried out in the near future.