Media Center


03 Mei 2024

Malindo Sends Aid To Flood And Landslide Victims in South Sulawesi

Floods and landslides occurred in several areas of South Sulawesi on May 3, 2024. One of the villages that was quite badly affected by the flood disaster was Kadundung Village, Latimojong District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.


Based on the data received, the flood and landslide resulted in damage to several road and bridge infrastructure. Where this damage resulted in the cutting off of inter-district roads due to landslides and floods.


PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk through the Makassar plant in collaboration with the AAS Community distributed aid to victims of the floods and landslides that hit several regencies in South Sulawesi. This aid is in the form of basic necessities such as eggs, instant noodles, snacks and mineral water.


For information, there are seven regencies in South Sulawesi that experienced floods and landslides, namely Luwu, Sidrap, North Luwu, Soppeng, Enrekang, Sinjai and Wajo Regencies.

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